CO Carbon Monoxide Gas Detection Systems

CO Gas Detection Systems

Why do you need CO detection? Carbon monoxide (CO2) is a toxic, colourless, odourless, tasteless, and initially non-irritating gas making it very difficult for people to detect and for this reason is often referred to as the Silent Killer watch YouTube video Carbon Monoxide – The Silent Killer.

How to reduce the risk, what are the symptoms

Wired CO Systems

In buildings comprised of multiple dwellings where each dwelling has a separate gas or oil filled boiler venting through an external wall, a wired CO monitor would likely be adequate to solve the problem.

Click for Wired CO Systems

Wireless CO Systems

In apartment blocks it is often the case that individual boiler flues may join together into a single main flue that has been enclosed within a void that runs for the height of the building before exiting a roof or outside wall. In these cases it is possible for carbon monoxide levels to build up in this void (hidden enclosed space within the fabric of the building) without triggering individual detectors in the separate dwellings.

To solve this type of problem, you need to find out from which joint in the flue, the leak exists. This can be a problem when there is a joint every one or two meters because every joint would need a separate ‘In void sensor’. Wireless systems allow you to solve this problem with each detector within a void space shown on a main control panel giving the earliest possible warning of toxic CO levels any of which will shut down the gas boilers involved and sound an 85dB alarm. In many cases, the boilers will be situated in a basement area but each boiler and fuel burning appliance in a building must be monitored by a carbon monoxide detector.

Combination Wired and Wireless CO Systems

Wired and wireless sensors may be used in the same system and in some cases where for example, each dwelling has a separate gas or oil filled boiler, flues may join together into a single main flue that has been enclosed within a void then wired detectors may be used above the boiler and wireless detectors used within the void and in areas where it is impossible/impractical to run cables.

Who needs CO detection?

– Gas Laundry
– Restaurants
– School Kitchens
– Boiler rooms, Plant rooms & Garages
– Laboratories, Design and Technology rooms
– Mechanical Handling Equipment Battery Charging rooms
– Car Parks
– Swimming Pool Plant rooms
– Multi tenancy properties, Halls of residence, Student accommodation
– Pub Cellars
– Boat gas systems
– Tunnel boring

Panthergas Direct Ltd
Unit D4 Seedbed Business Centre
Vanguard Way
Essex. SS3 9QY

Telephone: 01702 384038
Facsimile: 01702 382340

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