LPG Gas Detection Systems

LPG Gas Detection Systems

LPG Detection Systems

Why do you need Liquid Petroleum Gas detection?

The LPG gas used by consumers contains a warning agent called an odorant which causes the gas to smell like rotten eggs allowing human noses to detect it, but this may not be picked up by a person with a normal sense of smell. Explosions caused by natural gas leaks occur a number of times each year with homes and small businesses most frequently affected. Often the cause is a build up of gas causing a blast powerful enough to significantly damage the structure of a building and cause injuries to staff. The importance of gas detection systems cannot be overemphasised.

Click for Wired LPG Gas Detection Systems


Full Postal Address:

Panthergas Direct Ltd
Unit D4 Seedbed Business Centre
Vanguard Way
Essex. SS3 9QY

Telephone: 01702 384038
Facsimile: 01702 382340

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