Kitchen Gas Detection Systems

Gas detection systems prevent the accidental gas escape and prevent gas fumes from rising above a safe level. Kitchen gas detection systems are important as they have a high potential risk level due to the amount of gas that could potentially escape. Kitchen gas detection is important in old kitchen installations. A lot of existing sites do not have safe adequate ventilation so a gas detection system can help identify if it is safe to work in a poorly ventilated environment. 

Kitchen gas detection systems can be interfaced with the kitchen gas interlock system.
Kitchen gas detection systems can detect gas leaks from pipes, high level of gas combustion fumes and other as required.

General Email Addresses:
Sales Enquiries: sales [at] panthergasdirect [.[ com

Full Postal Address:
Panthergas Direct LtdUnit D4 Seedbed Business Centre
Vanguard WayShoeburynessEssex, SS3 9QY.


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